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Convert to MCAP

To convert your existing ROS 1 bag files into MCAP files, install the mcap CLI tool and run the following command:

$ mcap convert ../../testdata/bags/demo.bag demo.mcap

You can also use the mcap CLI tool to inspect MCAP files, validate them, and even echo their messages to stdout. For a full list of possible commands, check out the mcap GitHub repo.

Read and write MCAP

If you're starting from scratch, you can write code that allows you to write your ROS 1 data to MCAP files and subsequently read your ROS 1 data from your MCAP files.

The mcap GitHub repo includes the mcap-ros1-support Python package to help you write an MCAP reader and writer for ROS 1.



Inspect MCAP

Use the mcap CLI tool to inspect MCAP files, validate their contents, and even echo their messages to stdout.

For an exhaustive list of ways to interact with your MCAP data, check out the mcap GitHub repo.

Visualize MCAP

Foxglove Studio supports playing back local and remote ROS 1 bag files, as well as local and remote MCAP files containing ROS 1 data.